
Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Antisipasi Munculnya Flu Babi di Indonesia

JAKARTA, — Masyarakat di Indonesia diimbau agar tidak panik menghadapi ancaman serangan flu babi di Indonesia. Oleh karena, sampai kini belum ditemukan kasus penularan virus penyakit itu di Tanah Air. Apalagi, tingkat kematian karena flu babi jauh lebih rendah daripada flu burung.

Demikian disampaikan Menteri Koordinator Bidang Kesejahteraan Rakyat Aburizal Bakrie dalam rapat koordinasi lintas sektor, Senin (27/4), di ruang rapat Menteri Koordinator Bidang Kesra, Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, Jakarta Pusat.

Menanggapi Badan Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) telah mengeluarkan peringatan tentang terjangkitnya flu babi di Meksiko, California, dan Kanada, dan diduga ada pasien terduga terinfeksi flu babi di Perancis dan Selandia Baru, pemerintah mengadakan rapat koordinasi untuk mengantisipasi penanganan flu babi.

Menurut Aburizal, selama ini virus flu babi tidak menjangkiti dari manusia ke manusia dan dari hewan ke manusia. Sebenarnya, virus itu sudah lama ada di Indonesia, tetapi tidak pernah menyerang manusia, hanya menjangkiti babi.

"Hasil konfirmasi WHO, flu babi yang saat ini menjangkiti sejumlah negara adalah cocktail virus. Jadi, gabungan antara flu babi Asia, flu babi Eropa, influenza pada manusia, yang bermutasi," ujarnya.

"Penularannya telah terjadi dari manusia ke manusia lainnya, terutama di negara-negara subtropis dan empat musim. Jadi, virus itu tidak ditemukan di negara-negara tropis seperti Indonesia," kata Aburizal.

Karena itu, masyarakat diimbau agar tidak panik menghadapi ancaman flu babi mengingat belum ditemukan kasus itu di Indonesia.

Menteri Kesehatan Siti Fadilah Supari menambahkan, tingkat kematian karena flu babi jauh lebih rendah daripada flu burung. Tingkat kematian karena flu burung mencapai lebih dari 80 persen. Adapun tingkat kematian karena flu babi berkisar 6,4 persen. Jadi, virus H5N1 masih lebih ganas dibandingkan virus H1N1 atau lebih dikenal sebagai virus flu babi.

Terkait dengan antisipasi pemerintah menghadapi ancaman kasus flu babi di Indonesia, Menkes menyatakan, pemerintah telah mempersiapkan kesiapsiagaan menghadapi pandemi influenza berkaitan dengan merebaknya kasus penularan flu burung. "Strategi penanganan flu babi serupa dengan penanganan flu burung," ujarnya menambahkan.

Sumber :Kompas

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Menkes Pertanyakan Fase Penularan Flu Babi, WHO Tak Konsisten

JAKARTA, — Menteri Kesehatan Siti Fadilah Supari mempertanyakan sikap Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) yang tidak konsisten terkait penetapan fase penularan virus H1N1 atau yang biasa disebut flu babi (swine flu).

“WHO justru menurunkan status fase penularan virus H1N1 (flu babi) menjadi fase empat, yaitu penularan virus ke manusia masih dalam kelompok kecil, padahal seharusnya sudah fase lima,” kata Siti Fadilah Supari dalam jumpa pers di Gedung Depkes, Selasa (28/4).

Ia menyesalkan ketidakkonsistenan WHO dengan sikapnya yang meminta untuk menutup sekolah, rumah makan, dan melarang masyarakat menonton pertandingan sepak bola. “Ini ada apa saya tidak tahu dan menurut saya sudah aneh. Hari ini (WHO) menurunkan menjadi fase 4, ini adalah tanda tanya besar. Karena sudah tidak konsisten dengan sikapnya beberapa waktu lalu,” ujar Siti.

Menurutnya, fase penularan virus H1N1 sudah sampai pada fase 5, yaitu infeksi virus kepada manusia dengan penularan yang semakin meluas. Hal ini ditegaskan dengan tingginya jumlah kematian akibat terinfeksi virus H1N1 yang mencapai 149 orang di Meksiko.

Namun, Siti enggan berkomentar soal dugaan kesengajaan terkait munculnya virus H1N1 ini. “Apakah disengaja atau tidak, saya tidak bisa katakan. Tapi kemungkinan-kemungkinan apa pun kan bisa terjadi,” jelasnya.

Siti menegaskan, virus tersebut dipastikan tidak bisa menyerang Indonesia dengan kondisi suhu yang tropis. Menurutnya, virus H1N1 hanya berkembang di negara dengan empat musim seperti Meksiko. Namun, ketika disinggung bahwa Meksiko juga memiliki daerah yang bersuhu tropis seperti Indonesia, Siti enggan menjelaskan.”Saya tidak tahu kalau H1N1 bisa (berkembang) di musim tropis, kalau sudah berubah berarti dia sudah bermutasi,” jawabnya.

Depkes telah menyiapkan beberapa langkah antisipasi, seperti memasang 10 thermal scanner untuk mendeteksi suhu badan di terminal kedatangan 10 bandara internasional di Indonesia. Tetapi menyangkut travel warning ke negara-negara yang terjangkit, Indonesia masih belum mengeluarkan, hanya travel adviser saja.

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Saturday, May 2, 2009

Understanding Swine Flu’s World Spread

By John Lauerman

April 30 (Bloomberg) -- Swine flu has sickened at least 257 people in 11 countries, including Mexico, the U.S., New Zealand, Canada and the U.K., according to the World Health Organization.

The organization raised its six-tier pandemic alert to 5 and said the world’s first influenza pandemic since 1968 may soon be declared. Hundreds of more cases are suspected, as health officials around the world check to see whether infections have occurred in their countries and ready measures to prevent its spread.

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about swine flu. The information is drawn from the data released by the World Health Organization in Geneva and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta.

Q: What is swine flu?

A: Influenza is a virus that infects people, birds, pigs and other animals such as ferrets. Swine flu, or swine influenza, is a form of the virus that normally infects pigs. There are many forms of flu, and the different varieties have the ability to exchange genes with one another. The form of flu that originated in Mexico is a genetic mixture of viruses that have been seen in pigs, birds and people. It’s being called a swine flu because the overall structure of the virus is of the type that affects pigs, said Keiji Fukuda, a WHO official.

Q: How do people catch swine flu?

A: Studies are ongoing about how this particular swine flu is transmitted. Flu is generally transmitted through the respiratory tract. Droplets of infected body fluids may carry flu when people cough or sneeze. Studies indicate that masks called N95 respirators, when properly used, filter germs from the breath and hamper the spread of flu. Neither contact with pigs nor eating pork has been linked to the spread of the flu, Fukuda said.

Q: What are the symptoms of swine flu?

A: About one to four days usually elapse between the time a person is infected and the onset of symptoms. Influenza normally causes symptoms such as coughing, sneezing, headaches and body aches, fever, chills, and sometimes vomiting and diarrhea. Swine flu causes the same symptoms, and may be difficult to distinguish from other strains of flu and respiratory illnesses. Severe cases of flu that lead to death are normally seen in very young and very old people whose immune systems are too weak to fight off the virus. Adults with severe illness may also have difficulty breathing, dizziness, confusion, or severe vomiting and diarrhea.

Q: Is there a vaccine against the swine flu that’s now spreading?

A: Flu vaccines generally contain a dead or weakened form of a circulating virus. The vaccine prepares the body’s immune system to fend off a true infection. For the vaccine to work, it must match the circulating, “wild-type” virus relatively closely. There is no vaccine currently that exactly matches the swine flu. The seasonal flu vaccine isn’t effective against swine flu, said Richard Besser, acting head of the CDC.

Vaccine makers have contacted the World Health Organization about obtaining samples of the virus needed to make a vaccine. Making flu vaccine can take three to six months. No decision has been made to order a vaccine against swine flu, Besser said.

Q: How can I tell if my child is sick?

A: Children who are breathing abnormally fast or slowly may have respiratory illness. Bluish skin indicates a need for quick attention. Children who are abnormally sluggish and sleepy, irritable, or have fever or rash may also need attention.

Q: Have there been outbreaks of swine flu before?

A: Yes. Health officials said in 1976 that an outbreak of swine flu in people might lead to a pandemic. Widespread vaccination was carried out in the U.S. before experts determined that the virus was not dangerous enough to cause a pandemic. Swine flu occasionally infects people in the U.S. without causing large outbreaks. From 2005 through January 2009, there were 12 reported swine flu cases in the U.S. None of them caused deaths.

Q: Why are health officials concerned about the outbreak of swine flu?

A: When flu viruses mix genes with one another, they can take on new forms. New flu viruses are harder for the human immune system to defend against. With little or no opposition from the immune resistance, the virus can grow quickly and invade many tissues and organs. They may also set off a harmful immune overreaction in the body, called a “cytokine storm,” that may be lethal in itself. The swine flu virus from Mexico may have the ability to spread quickly and kill people, possibly causing a worldwide pandemic, according to the WHO. Researchers are conducting studies to determine how easily the virus spreads in people and how dangerous it is.

Q: What’s a flu pandemic?

A: A flu pandemic occurs when a new influenza virus spreads quickly and few people have immunity. While influenza viruses were only discovered about a century ago, researchers believe flu pandemics hit about two or three times each century. Some pandemics kill a few million people globally. The most severe flu pandemic on record was the 1918 Spanish Flu. Researchers estimate it killed about 50 million people around the world.

Q: Are there any similarities between the swine flu and earlier pandemic viruses?

A: Flu viruses are classified by two proteins on their surface, called H for hemagglutinin and N for neuraminidase. The swine flu found in Mexico and the 1918 Spanish Flu viruses are of the H1N1 subtype. Both viruses appear to have originated in animals. Researchers believe the Spanish Flu spread to people from birds. The two viruses are not identical, and there are still many genetic differences between them that researchers are studying.

Q: Do all H1N1 viruses cause pandemics?

A: No. H1N1 descendants of the Spanish Flu virus continue to circulate in people and sometimes cause outbreaks of seasonal flu.

Q: Are there drugs that treat swine flu?

A: Yes. Roche Holding AG’s Tamiflu and GlaxoSmithKline Plc’s Relenza both react against swine flu. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has released 25 percent of its stockpile of Tamiflu and Relenza, according to Secretary Janet Napolitano. Flu viruses sometimes develop resistance to antiviral drugs. The human form of H1N1 seasonal flu that’s currently circulating is resistant to Roche’s Tamiflu (not Relenza). If the two viruses were to exchange genes, the swine flu might become resistant, too. The drugs should be administered within the first 48 hours of the onset of symptoms, according to the CDC.

Tamiflu and Relenza may also help prevent swine flu in people who have been exposed to someone who was sick.

Q: How else can I protect myself from swine flu?

A: Personal hygiene measures, such as avoiding people who are coughing or sneezing and frequent hand-washing, may prevent flu infection. Those who aren’t health professionals should avoid contact with sick people. People who get sick with flu symptoms should stay home. Studies have suggested that closing schools, theaters, and canceling gatherings in the early stages of a pandemic can limit its spread. Such measures would likely take place if health officials determine that the virus is spreading quickly enough and is deadly enough to cause a pandemic.

To contact the reporter on this story: John Lauerman in Boston at;

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Thursday, April 30, 2009

H1N1 Pig Flu, Swine Influenza Virus

The swine flu scare, H1N1, effects on tourism and industries, and whether it is manmade.

A new mongrel variant of the swine influenza virus, similar to Spanish Flu, (influenza A subtype H1N1) that has struck Mexico and now spread to the United States and many other countries has Indonesia preparing for its possible arrival.

Real time map of swine flu cases.
Key - Pink markers are suspect. Purple markers are confirmed or probable. Deaths have no dot in marker. Yellow markers are negative.

In general the reaction has been calm. Health minster Siti Fadilah Supari says the fatality rate for H1N1 is only 6%, compared to 80-90% for H5N1, or bird flu. Nevertheless she says 80 hospitals in the country have prepared special facilities to deal with any outbreak.

Siti Fadilah Supari
Siti Fadilah Supari

Ever suspicious Siti Fadilah Supari said there was a chance swine flu was man-made:

I’m not sure whether the virus was genetically engineered but it’s a possibility

She also said Indonesia was too hot for the virus: [1]

H1N1 survives in countries with four seasons. The type A H1N1 virus hopefully won’t be able to sustain itself once it enters the tropical climate of Indonesia.

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono held a special ministerial meeting to discuss the matter and said afterwards: [2]

We have to watch the airports, especially flights originating from Mexico, United States, and other pig flu affected countries.

While in Bali tourism authorities pleaded with the national government to not impose any hasty travel bans. Ngurah Wijaya of the Bali Tourism Board said surveillance at airports was sufficient for now. Visitor arrivals to the island were still normal, at 2,500 to 3,000 per day, said Ida Bagus Subhiksu of the Tourism Department. [3]

Farmers, Pigs & Pork

Drh Sigit Hanggono of the East Java Livestock Office (Dinas Peternakan (Disnak)) said he was worried the livestock industry would be harmed by the swine flu issue, and that the matter was overblown. [4]

Of the same department but in North Sumatra Drh Hj Teti Lubis said Disnak would try to educate the public about swine flu, so as to minimise the risk that irresponsible people would cause trouble for pig farmers and consumers of pork, considering that the disease was passed person to person, not via contact with pigs or pork. [5]

Pig farmers in Boyolali, Central Java, complained that pork prices have fallen 15% in recent days, largely because many producers are trying to offload what they have quickly. [6]

Indonesia is a large exporter of pork, mainly to Singapore, but as of writing no bans have been placed on this trade by partner countries. Indonesia has however banned the import of pork, however this trade is small.

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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Swine Flu (Flu Babi): Yang Perlu Anda Ketahui

Sejak bulan lalu, virus flu babi dilaporkan telah menyebar di Mexico, Amerika Serikat, dan negara-negara lainnya. Sudah lebih dari 140 orang meninggal akibat infeksi virus flu babi di Mexico dan lebih dari 1.000 orang terinfeksi virus ini. Virus ini pun dikhawatirkan bisa menelan korban seperti pandemi flu tahun 1941 yang telah menewaskan jutaan orang di Eropa.

Haruskah Indonesia takut?

Apa itu flu babi?
Swine (babi) influenza atau flu babi merupakan penyakit pernafasan pada hewan babi yang disebabkan oleh virus influenza tipe A Orthomyxoviruses yang menjadi endemi pada populasi babi.

Virus flu babi dapat menyebabkan keadaan sakit tingkat tinggi namun dengan angka kematian yang rendah pada babi. Virus ini dapat menular diantara babi sepanjang tahun, namun paling sering muncul pada akhir musim gugur dan musim dingin.

Virus ini pertama kali diisolasi dari babi pada tahun 1930.

Dapatkah flu babi menular ke manusia?
Normalnya, virus flu babi tidak menginfeksi manusia. Walaupun begitu, infeksi pada manusia dapat dan telah terjadi. Virus flu babi dilaporkan telah menyebar antar manusia. Dulu penularan virus ini masih terbatas dan tidak diteruskan ke lebih dari 3 orang.

Orang yang terinfeksi virus flu dapat menularkannya ke orang lain 1 hari sebelum gejala flu itu muncul dan sampai 7 hari atau lebih setelah mengalami sakit. Anak-anak mungkin dapat berpotensi menularkan penyakitnya untuk periode yang lebih lama dari itu.

Bagaimana virus flu babi menyebar?
Penyebaran virus flu babi diperkirakan sama dengan penyebaran virus flu musiman. Virus flu paling sering menyebar antar manusia melalui batuk dan bersin. Terkadang orang juga dapat terinfeksi hanya dengan menyentuh sesuatu benda yang terkontaminasi virus flu lalu mereka menyentuh mata, mulut dan hidung mereka.

Apa tanda dan gejala flu babi pada manusia?
Gejala flu babi pada manusia sama dengan gejala flu biasa, meliputi:
  • Demam
  • Batuk
  • Sakit pada badan, kepala, ataupun tenggorokan
  • Kedinginan
  • Badan terasa lemas
flu babi - swain fluSelain itu, beberapa orang melaporkan bahwa mereka mengalami diare dan muntah-muntah akibat flu yang dideritanya. Dulu, sakit yang parah (penumonia dan gagal pernafasan) dan kematian telah dilaporkan akibat virus flu babi. Flu babi juga dapat memperparah kondisi penyakit kronis yang dialami penderitanya.

Tanda-tanda yang muncul pada anak dan membutuhkan perawatan darurat medis:
  • Nafas yang cepat atau kesulitan bernafas
  • Kulit berwarna kebiruan
  • Tidak minum cukup cairan
  • Tidak bangun atau tidak berinteraksi dengan orang lain
  • Anak menjadi lekas marah atau ngambek dan tidak mau disentuh orang lain.
  • Gejala seperti flu bertambah parah
  • Demam disertai dengan ruam
Tanda-tanda yang muncul pada orang dewasa dan membutuhkan perhatian darurat medis:
  • Sulit bernafas atau nafas pendek
  • Sakit pada dada atau perut
  • Pusing yang datang tiba-tiba
  • Merasa kebingungan
  • Muntah-muntah yang parah atau terus-menerus
Apa yang harus dilakukan agar tidak tertular?
Ada beberapa hal yang dapat dilakukan untuk mencegah penularan flu seperti flu biasa, flu burung, atau flu babi ini. Pertama dan yang paling penting adalah mencuci tangan. Jaga kesehatan Anda secara keseluruhan. Istrirahat atau tidur yang cukup, tetap aktif secara fisik, kendalikan stress, minum cairan yang cukup, dan makan makanan yang bernutrisi.

Cobalah untuk tidak menyentuh permukaan atau benda yang mungkin terkontaminasi virus flu. Hindari juga kontak dekat dengan penderita.

Untuk mencegah penularan flu kepada orang lain, ada beberapa langkah yang dapat dilakukan:
  • Tutup mulut dan hidung ketika batuk atau bersin dengan menggunakan tissue, lalu buanglah tissue tersebut ke tempat sampah.
  • Cuci tangan dengan air dan sabun, terutama setiap habis batuk atau bersin. CDC merekomendasikan untuk mencuci tangan dengan sabun dan air hangat selama 15 sampai 20 detik. Pembersih tangan instan berupa gel sanitizer juga cukup efektif.
  • Apabila Anda menderita sakit influenza, CDC merekomendasikan Anda untuk tetap tinggal di rumah dan menghindari kontak dengan orang lain untuk mencegah penularan
Apakah flu babi dapat menular dengan mengkonsumsi daging babi?
Tidak. Virus flu babi tidak menular melalui makanan. Aman untuk memakan daging babi yang sudah ditangani dan dimasak dengan baik. Memasak daging babi dengan suhu 160 derajat F dapat membunuh virus flu begitu juga dengan bakteri dan virus yang lain.

Adakah obat untuk merawat penderita flu babi?
Vaksin untuk mencegah penularan virus flu babi mungkin belum ditemukan, namun menurut badan Pusat Pengendalian dan Pencegahan Penyakit AS atau Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), ada obat yang digunakan untuk merawat penderita flu babi.

CDC merekomendasikan penggunaan antivirus oseltamivir atau zanamivir untuk perawatan dan pencegahan infeksi flu babi. Untuk perawatan, obat antivirus berkerja paling baik apabila dimulai sesegera mungkin setelah mengalami sakit (paling tidak dalam 2 hari setelah munculnya gejala)

Perlukah Indonesia takut?
Menkes Siti Fadilah Supari mengatakan bahwa masyarakat Indonesia tidak perlu takut tapi harus tetap waspada. Menko Kesra Aburizal Bakrie juga telah memberikan pernyataan bahwa sudah ada konfirmasi bahwa flu babi terjadi di negara yang beriklim subtropis dengan 4 musim, dan belum ditemukan flu babi di negara tropis.

Namun, kewaspadaan tetap diperlukan. Masyarakat perlu mengetahui tentang penyakit ini, gejalanya, dan cara pencegahannya. Karena organisasi kesehatan PBB World Health Organization (WHO) telah memberikan peringatan bahwa flu ini bisa menyebar ke seluruh dunia.

Dirjen WHO, Margaret Chan, juga mengingatkan agar semua otoritas kesehatan di seluruh dunia memiliki kewaspadaan tigkat tinggi terhadap munculnya gejala penyakit yang tidak biasa dan dan munculnya kasus penyakit yang menyerupai flu. Chan meminta agar mereka segera melaporkan ke WHO apabila hal ini terjadi.

Selama beberapa tahun ke belakang, WHO memang telah memperingatkan kemungkinan munculnya virus flu jenis baru yang berpotensi menjadi pandemi dan membunuh jutaan manusia.

Menko Kesra Aburizal Bakrie menambahkan "Untuk itu perlu dilakukan banyak pelatihan bagaimana bila terjadi pandemik. Rakyat bisa melakukan upaya evakuasi. Rakyat yang terkena disisihkan dan dilakukan pengobatan dan lain sebagainya."

flu babi - swain fluSebagai tambahan, baru-baru ini di Makassar telah dilakukan Simulasi Penanggulangan Episenter Pandemi Influenza sebagai bentuk kewaspadaan terhadap mutasi flu burung setelah sebelumnya kegiatan ini dilakukan di Bali.

Dirangkum dari website Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Amerika Serikat, Departemen Kesehatan Indonesia, dan Read More......

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Kesehatan Lambung

Penyebab rasa nyeri pada lambung sebenernya adalah GERD (Gastroesophagal Reflux Disease). GERD bisa disebabkan oleh berbagai gangguan pada tubuh, antara lain kelainan fungsi otot kerongkongan, gangguan fungsi lambung, faktor genetik dan bisa juga karena asma. Semua ini menyebabkan asam yang diproduksi lambung naik sehingga menyebabkan ketidaknyamanan organ di atas lambung.

Gejala yang paling umum adalah heartburn (sensasi panas dan nyeri pada perut bagian atas, dada, dan tenggorokan) rasa sakit pada lambung bisa juga akibat tukak yang disebabkan oleh infeksi bakteri Helicobacter Pylori (H.Pylori) tetapi bisa juga disebabkan oleh penggunaan jangka panjang obat-obatan tertentu seperti aspirin.

Tukak adalah kerusakan pada lapisan dalam dinding lambung atau usus dua belas jari yang disebabkan oleh asam lambung, usus atau cairan lain yang dihasilkan oleh proses pencernaan.

Gejala tukak lambung yang secara kelompok disebut dengan dyspepsia adalah rasa sakit atau tak nyaman pada lambung, rasa kembung, perut terasa penuh atau malah kosong, mual ringan dan kebiasaan bersendawa. Beruntung bagi Anda yang menjalani pola makan kaya serat, karena risiko tukak lambung bisa turun hingga separuhnya. Serat juga dapat mempercepat penyembuhan, dan serat yang bersumber dari buah dan sayur adalah yang paling manjur.

Dan apel cukup ampuh untuk meringankan tukak selain itu Makanan yang kaya flavonoid seperti seledri, bawang Bombay dan teh hijau atau hitam juga dapat menghambat pertumbuhan H.pylori. begitu pula zat yang terkandung pada brokoli yaitu sulforaphrane bisa mematikan H.pylori. sebaliknya mengonsumsi kopi lebih dari tiga cangkir sehari dapat meningkatkan kerentanan Anda terhadap H.pylori

Orang-orang yang sering menderita heartburn sebagai gejala GERD disarankan untuk mencoba mengubah gaya hidup dan pola makan terlebih dahulu sebelum mencari pengobatan medis. Beberapa saran yang patut dicoba adalah:

  1. Mengurangi atau menghindari konsumsi makanan dan minuman yang mengandung kafein, coklat, juga mint. Bahkan kopi yang tidak mengandung kafein (decaf) pun dapat meningkatkan produksi asam lambung.
  2. Menghindari minuman bersoda.
  3. Menerapkan diet yang kaya akan buah dan sayur, tetapi hindari buah dan sayur yang sifatnya asam seperti jeruk, lemon, jeruk bali dan nanas.
  4. Menjaga kondisi pencernaan yang sehat dengan menghindari lemak jenuh dan asupan lemak berlebihan, terutama jika memiliki kelebihan berat badan. Sebab obesitas juga meningkatkan risiko GERD.
  5. Setelah makan berjalan-jalanlah sebentar. Atau paling tidak tetap duduk atau berdiri tegak. Jangan berbaring atau melakukan gerakan membungkuk.
  6. Hindari makan sebelum tidur. Pastikan waktu terakhir anda mengonsumsi makanan adalah dua jam sebelum tidur.
  7. Sebaiknya posisikan tubuh miring ke kiri ketika tidur. Posisi lambung menjadi lebih tinggi dari kerongkongan, jika miring ke kanan.
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Beras Hitam Yang Bermanfaat

Beras merah punya bayak manfaat bagi kesehatan tubuh kita. Demikian pula dengan beras hitam yang diketahui dapat mencegah dan menyembuhkan berbagai macam penyakit. Beras hitam hanya dapat dijumpai di Asia, dan tidak mengalami proses penggilingan berkali-kali seperti yang dilakukan pada beras putih biasa.

Dahulu pada masa Cina kuno, beras hitam hanya terbatas di kalangan istana.

Penelitian di Cina, beras hitam memiliki kadar vitamin, mikroelemen, dan asam amino yang lebih tinggi dari semua beras yang biasanya kita jumpai.

Warna hitamnya menunjukkan beras ini memiliki pigmen yang tinggi. Pigmen ini mengandung aleuron dan endospermia yang dapat menghasilkan antosianin yang bermanfaat sebagai zat antikarsinogenik, meningkatkan kadar trombosit dan memiliki antioksidan yang tinggi.

Pigmen ini juga kaya akan zat flavonoid yang dapat mencegah pengerasan pembuluh nadi. Kadar zat flavonoid yang terkandung di dalam beras hitam lima kali lebih tinggi dibandingkan zat flavonoid yang terdapat dalam beras putih biasa.

Beras hitam berserat tinggi. And ayang mengkonsumsi nasi hitam akan merasa kenyang lebih lama.

Beras ini dipercaya memiliki beragam manfaat, diantaranya:

  • Meningkatkan ketahanan tubuh.
  • Memperbaiki kerusakan sel hati dalamkasus penyakit hepatitis dan sirosis (pengerasan hati).
  • Mencegah fungsi ginjal.
  • Mencegah kanker dan tumor.
  • Antiaging alami.
  • Sebagai antioksidan.
  • Membersihkan kolesterol dalam darah.
  • Mencegah anemia.
  • Mencegah demam berdarah yang dapat mengakibatkan turunnya trombosit dalam darah.
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Yogurt merupakan sumber protein, kalsium, ribofitamin, dan bitamin B12 yang baik. Yogurt sangat mudah dicerna, bahkan bagi mereka yang sulit mencerna laktosa karena bakteri baik yang digunakan dalam proses produksinya menguraikan laktosa dalam susu.

Mengkonsumsi yogurt setiap hari dapat meningkatkan kesehatan tubuh dengan berbagai cara:

  1. Yogurt dapat membantu menguatkan sistem imun.
  2. Yogurt dapat memerangi infeksi.
  3. Yogurt ramah bagi jantung karena mengandung kolesterol yang relatif rendah.
  4. Yogurt mendorong bakteri baik untuk memperbanyak diri dalam usus. Bakteri baik dalam usus berguna untuk membantu tubuh mencerna makanan dan mencegah infeksi perut.

Selain itu, yogurt juga berfungsi sebagai:

  1. Pengenyah bakteri jahat. Oleh karena itu para perenang umumnya mengkonsumsi yogurt, untuk membunuh bakteri jahat yang tidak sengaja terminum.
  2. Yogurt padat akan protein.
  3. Yogurt rendah lemak dan rendah gula, sehingga aman dikonsumsi oleh mereka yang sedang menjalani diet khusu (yaitu para diabetesi, orangyang memiliki kadar kolesterol tinggi atau mengalami intoleransi laktosa).
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Manfaat Kopi Bagi Tubuh

Kopi, minuman favorit dunia ternyata memberi banyak sekali manfaat untuk tubuh. Apa saja?


Menurut Para peneliti di Harvard, mengkonsumsi enam cangkir kopi atau lebih setiap harinya dapat mengurangi resiko Diabetes. 54% bagi pria, dan 30% bagi wanita.

Penelitian lainnya yang dimuat dalam American Journal of Epidemiology menunjukkan konsumsi empat cangkir atau lebih per harinya pada lansia memiliki resiko DIabetes tipe 2 lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan yang jarang mengkonsumsi kopi.

Karena selain mengandung kafein, kopi juga mengandung antioksidan, dan mineral yang meningkatkan sensitifitas insulin dan metabolisme glukosa.

Kanker Kolon, HCC, dan Sirosis Hati

Dua cangkir kopi sehari dapat menurunkan resiko kanker kolon sebanyak 25%, dan sirosis hati sebesar 80%. Antoksidan yang terkandung di dalam kopi dapat membantu melindungi sel dari radikal bebas yang seringkali dikaitkan dengan kanker dan kelainan otak degeneratif.

Dr. Francesca Bravi dari Italia menemukan bahwa peminum kopi menikmati 41% pengurangan resiko HCC (Hepatocellular Carcinoma) atau kanker hati, dibanding dengan mereka yang tidak pernah mengkonsumsi kopi.

Batu empedu

Kopi meningkatkan aliran empedu dan mencegah kristalisasi empedu. Dua cangkir satu hari dapat mengurangi resiko batu empedu sebesar 50%.


Kopi juga dapat melindungi peminumnya dari serangan jantung. Penelitian yang dilakukan di Harvard menunjukkan wanita yang mengkonsumsi 5 cangkir atau lebih setiap minggunya mampu mengalami penurunan resiko serangan jantung sebesar 32% dibandingkan dengan wanita yang mengkonsumsi kurang dari 4 cangkir setiap minggunya.

Kopi juga dapat mengurangi efek negatif rokok dan alkohol.

Sakit kepala

Satu dosis obat penawar sakit megandung 120 miligram kafein, sama seperti jumlah yang ditemukan dalam secangkir kopi. Kafein ditambahkan pada obat penawar sakit karena bisa meningkatkan penyerapan dalam peningkatan efek penghilang sakit. Kafein juga membatasi pembesaran pembuluh darah ke kepala, yang dapat menyebabkan migran.

Gigi rusak

Komponen yang memberi kopi aroma dan rasa pahit, yaitu Trigonelline, diakui para peneliti Italia memiliki zat anti bakeri dan anti lekat yang menceah gigi berlubang.

Stamina tubuh

Kafein memberi signal pada otak dan sistem syaraf untuk melakukan hal-hal secara berbeda. Penelitian menunjukkan dua cangkir kopi sanggup membangun stamina tubuh.


Anda dapat mengkonsumsi kopi untuk meningkatkan kewaspadaan tanpa membuat Anda kesulitan tidur setelahnya. Namun ada pula sebagian orang yang lebih bereaksi pada tidur sejenak dibandingkan dengan minum kopi.


Kopi cenderung mempercepat proses pengosongan perut sehingga masalah sembelit dapat teratasi.

Walaupun kopi memiliki banyak manfaat, kopi dikenal dapat meningkatkan kegelisahan. Dosis konsumsi yang terlalu banyak tidak bisa diterima semua orang. Selain itu, tingkat keasaman kopi yang tinggi dapat merangsang pengeluaran asam lambung berlebih.

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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

MRI of the Body (Chest, Abdomen, Pelvis)

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Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) equipment

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What is MRI of the Body?

MRI of the knee - side (lateral) view, showing distal or lowest part of femur, the patella (knee cap) and proximal (upper) tibia. The lateral meniscus is seen as a dark bow-tie like structure. The patellar tendon is also clearly seen at the front of the knee connecting the patella with the tibia.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a noninvasive medical test that helps physicians diagnose and treat medical conditions.

MR imaging uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to produce detailed pictures of organs, soft tissues, bone and virtually all other internal body structures. The images can then be examined on a computer monitor, printed or copied to CD. MRI does not use ionizing radiation (x-rays).

Detailed MR images allow physicians to better evaluate parts of the body and certain diseases that may not be assessed adequately with other imaging methods such as x-ray, ultrasound or computed tomography (also called CT or CAT scanning).

What are some common uses of the procedure?

Sample image: MRI of the abdomen showing liver and kidneys - frontal (coronal view)

MR imaging of the body is performed to evaluate:

  • organs of the chest, abdomen and pelvis—including the heart, liver, biliary tract, kidney, spleen, and pancreas and adrenal glands.
  • pelvic organs including the reproductive organs in the male (prostate and testicles) and the female (uterus, cervix and ovaries).
  • pelvic and hip bones.
  • blood vessels (MR Angiography).
  • breasts.

Physicians use the MR examination to help diagnose or monitor treatment for conditions such as:

  • tumors of the chest, abdomen or pelvis.
  • coronary artery disease and heart problems including the aorta, coronary arteries and blood vessels, by examining the size and thickness of the chambers of the heart and the extent of damage caused by a heart attack or progressive heart disease. For more information, visit the MR Angiography and Cardiac CT for Calcium Scoring pages.
  • tumors and other abnormalities of the reproductive organs (e.g., uterus, ovaries, testicles, prostate).
  • causes of pelvic pain in women, such as endometriosis.
  • functional and anatomical abnormalities of the heart.
  • diseases of the liver, such as cirrhosis, and that of other abdominal organs (when a complete diagnostic assessment can not be done with other techniques).
  • congenital arterial and venous vascular anomalies and diseases (e.g., atherosclerosis) of the chest, abdomen and pelvis (MR Angiography).
  • conditions involving the bile duct, gallbladder and pancreatic ducts (MRCP).
  • breast cancer and implants.

How should I prepare for the procedure?

You may be asked to wear a gown during the exam or you may be allowed to wear your own clothing if it is loose-fitting and has no metal fasteners.

Guidelines about eating and drinking before an MRI exam vary with the specific exam and also with the facility. Unless you are told otherwise, you may follow your regular daily routine and take medications as usual.

Some MRI examinations may require the patient to swallow contrast material or receive an injection of contrast into the bloodstream. The radiologist or technologist may ask if you have allergies of any kind, such as allergy to iodine or x-ray contrast material, drugs, food, the environment, or asthma. However, the contrast material used for an MRI exam, called gadolinium, does not contain iodine and is less likely to cause an allergic reaction.

The radiologist should also know if you have any serious health problems and what surgeries you have undergone. Some conditions, such as severe kidney disease may prevent you from having an MRI with contrast material.

Women should always inform their physician or technologist if there is any possibility that they are pregnant. MRI has been used for scanning patients since the 1980's with no reports of any ill effects on pregnant women or their babies. However, because the baby will be in a strong magnetic field, pregnant women should not have this exam unless the potential benefit from the MRI is assumed to outweigh the potential risks. See the Safety page for more information about pregnancy and MR imaging.

If you have claustrophobia (fear of enclosed spaces) or anxiety, you may want to ask your physician for a prescription for a mild sedative.

Jewelry and other accessories should be left at home if possible, or removed prior to the MRI scan. Because they can interfere with the magnetic field of the MRI unit, metal and electronic objects are not allowed in the exam room. These items include:

  • jewelry, watches, credit cards and hearing aids, all of which can be damaged.
  • pins, hairpins, metal zippers and similar metallic items, which can distort MRI images.
  • removable dental work.
  • pens, pocketknives and eyeglasses.
  • body piercings.

In most cases, an MRI exam is safe for patients with metal implants, except for a few types. People with the following implants cannot be scanned and should not enter the MRI scanning area unless explicitly instructed to do so by a radiologist or technologist who is aware of the presence of any of the following:

  • internal (implanted) defibrillator or pacemaker
  • cochlear (ear) implant
  • some types of clips used on brain aneurysms

You should tell the technologist if you have medical or electronic devices in your body, because they may interfere with the exam or potentially pose a risk. Examples include but are not limited to:

  • artificial heart valves
  • implanted drug infusion ports
  • implanted electronic device, including a cardiac pacemaker
  • artificial limbs or metallic joint prostheses
  • implanted nerve stimulators
  • metal pins, screws, plates or surgical staples.

In general, metal objects used in orthopedic surgery pose no risk during MRI. However, a recently placed artificial joint may require the use of another imaging procedure. If there is any question of their presence, an x-ray may be taken to detect the presence of any metal objects.

Patients who might have metal objects in certain parts of their bodies may also require an x-ray prior to an MRI. Dyes used in tattoos may contain iron and could heat up during MRI, but this is rarely a problem. Tooth fillings and braces usually are not affected by the magnetic field but they may distort images of the facial area or brain, so the radiologist should be aware of them.

What does the equipment look like?

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) equipment

The traditional MRI unit is a large cylinder-shaped tube surrounded by a circular magnet. You will lie on a moveable examination table that slides into the center of the magnet.

Some MRI units, called short-bore systems, are designed so that the magnet does not completely surround you; others are open on all sides (open MRI). These units are especially helpful for examining patients who are fearful of being in a closed space and for those who are very obese. Newer open MRI units provide very high quality images for many types of exams; however, open MRI units with older magnets may not provide this same quality. Certain types of exams cannot be performed using open MRI. For more information, consult your doctor.

The computer workstation that processes the imaging information is located in a separate room than the scanner.

How does the procedure work?

Unlike conventional x-ray examinations and computed tomography (CT) scans, MRI does not depend on radiation. Instead, while in the magnet, radio waves redirect the axes of spinning protons, which are the nuclei of hydrogen atoms, in a strong magnetic field.

The magnetic field is produced by passing an electric current through wire coils in most MRI units. Other coils, located in the machine and in some cases, placed around the part of the body being imaged, send and receive radio waves, producing signals that are detected by the coils.

A computer then processes the signals and generates a series of images each of which shows a thin slice of the body. The images can then be studied from different angles by the interpreting physician.

Overall, the differentiation of abnormal (diseased) tissue from normal tissues is often easier with MRI than with other imaging modalities such as x-ray, CT and ultrasound.

How is the procedure performed?

MRI examinations may be performed on outpatients or inpatients.

You will be positioned on the moveable examination table. Straps and bolsters may be used to help you stay still and maintain the correct position during imaging.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) equipment

Small devices that contain coils capable of sending and receiving radio waves may be placed around or adjacent to the area of the body being studied.

If a contrast material will be used in the MRI exam, a nurse or technologist will insert an intravenous (IV) line into a vein in your hand or arm. A saline solution will drip through the IV to prevent blockage of the IV line until the contrast material is injected.

You will be moved into the magnet of the MRI unit and the radiologist and technologist will leave the room while the MRI examination is performed.

If a contrast material is used during the examination, it will be injected into the intravenous line (IV) after an initial series of scans. Additional series of images will be taken following the injection.

When the examination is completed, you may be asked to wait until the technologist checks the images in case additional images are needed.

Your intravenous line will be removed.

MRI exams generally include multiple runs (sequences), some of which may last several minutes.

The entire examination is usually completed within 45 minutes.

MR spectroscopy, which provides additional information on the chemicals present in the body's cells, may also be performed during the MRI exam and may add approximately 15 minutes to the exam time.

What will I experience during and after the procedure?

Most MRI exams are painless.

Some patients, however, find it uncomfortable to remain still during MR imaging. Others experience a sense of being closed-in (claustrophobia). Therefore, sedation can be arranged for those patients who anticipate anxiety, but fewer than one in 20 require it.

It is normal for the area of your body being imaged to feel slightly warm, but if it bothers you, notify the radiologist or technologist. It is important that you remain perfectly still while the images are being recorded, which is typically only a few seconds to a few minutes at a time. For some types of exams, you may be asked to hold your breath. You will know when images are being recorded because you will hear tapping or thumping sounds when the coils that generate the radiofrequency pulses are activated. You will be able to relax between imaging sequences, but will be asked to maintain your position as much as possible.

You will be alone in the exam room during the MR imaging, however, the technologist will be able to see, hear and speak with you at all times using a two-way intercom. Many MRI centers allow a friend or parent to stay in the room.

You may be offered or you may request earplugs to reduce the noise of the MRI scanner, which produces loud thumping and humming noises during imaging. MRI scanners are air-conditioned and well-lit. Some scanners have music to help you pass the time.

When the contrast material is injected, it is normal to feel coolness and a flushing for a minute or two. The intravenous needle may cause you some discomfort when it is inserted and once it is removed, you may experience some bruising. There is also a very small chance of irritation of your skin at the site of the IV tube insertion.

If you have not been sedated, no recovery period is necessary. You may resume your usual activities and normal diet immediately after the exam. A few patients experience side effects from the contrast material, including nausea and local pain. Very rarely, patients are allergic to the contrast material and experience hives, itchy eyes or other reactions.

It is recommended that nursing mothers not breastfeed for 36 to 48 hours after an MRI with a contrast material.

Who interprets the results and how do I get them?

A radiologist, a physician specifically trained to supervise and interpret radiology examinations, will analyze the images and send a signed report to your primary care or referring physician, who will share the results with you.

What are the benefits vs. risks?


  • MRI is a noninvasive imaging technique that does not involve exposure to radiation.
  • MR images of the soft-tissue structures of the body—such as the heart, liver and many other organs— is more likely to identify and characterize abnormalities and focal lesions than other imaging methods. This detail makes MRI an invaluable tool in early diagnosis and evaluation of many focal lesions and tumors.
  • MRI has proven valuable in diagnosing a broad range of conditions, including cancer, heart and vascular disease, and muscular and bone abnormalities.
  • MRI enables the detection of abnormalities that might be obscured by bone with other imaging methods.
  • MRI allows physicians to assess the biliary system noninvasively and without contrast injection.
  • The contrast material used in MRI exams is less likely to produce an allergic reaction than the iodine-based materials used for conventional x-rays and CT scanning.
  • MRI provides a fast, noninvasive alternative to x-ray angiography for diagnosing problems of the heart and blood vessels.


  • The MRI examination poses almost no risk to the average patient when appropriate safety guidelines are followed.
  • If sedation is used there are risks of excessive sedation. The technologist or nurse monitors your vital signs to minimize this risk.
  • Although the strong magnetic field is not harmful in itself, medical devices that contain metal may malfunction or cause problems during an MRI exam.
  • There is a very slight risk of an allergic reaction if contrast material is injected. Such reactions usually are mild and easily controlled by medication.
  • Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis is currently a recognized, but rare, complication of MRI believed to be caused by the injection of high doses of MRI contrast material in patients with poor kidney function.

What are the limitations of MRI of the Body?

High-quality images are assured only if you are able to remain perfectly still while the images are being recorded. If you are anxious, confused or in severe pain, you may find it difficult to lie still during imaging.

A person who is very large may not fit into the opening of a conventional MRI machine.

The presence of an implant or other metallic object often makes it difficult to obtain clear images and patient movement can have the same effect.

Breathing may cause artifacts, or image distortions, during MRIs of the chest, abdomen and pelvis. Bowel motion is another source of motion artifacts in abdomen and pelvic MRI studies.

Although there is no reason to believe that magnetic resonance imaging harms the fetus, pregnant women usually are advised not to have an MRI exam unless medically necessary.

MRI may not always distinguish between cancer tissue and edema fluid.

MRI typically costs more and may take more time to perform than other imaging modalities.

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Thursday, February 12, 2009

Advanced Trauma Life Support

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Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) is a training program for doctors and Advanced Practice/Critical Care Paramedics in the management of acute trauma cases, developed by the American College of Surgeons. The program has been adopted worldwide in over 40 countries;[1] its goal is to teach a simplified and standardized approach to trauma patients. Originally designed for emergency situations where only one doctor and one nurse are present, ATLS is now widely accepted as the standard of care for initial assessment and treatment in trauma centers. The premise of the ATLS program is to treat the greatest threat to life first. It also advocates that the lack of a definitive diagnosis and a detailed history should not slow the application of indicated treatment for life-threatening injury, with the most time-critical interventions performed early. However, there is mixed evidence to show that ATLS improves patient outcomes.[2][3][1][4][5][6]




ATLS has its origins in the United States in 1976, when orthopaedic surgeon Dr. James K. Styner, piloting a light aircraft, crashed his plane into a field in Nebraska. His wife was killed instantly and three of his four children sustained critical injuries. He carried out the initial triage of his children at the crash site. Dr. Styner had to flag down a car to transport him to the nearest hospital; upon arrival, he found it closed. Even once the hospital was opened and a doctor called in, he found that the emergency care provided at the small regional hospital where they were treated was inadequate and inappropriate.[7]

Upon returning to work, he set about developing a system for saving lives in medical trauma situations. Styner and his colleague Paul 'Skip' Collicott, with assistance from Advanced Cardiac Life Support personnel and the Lincoln Medical Education Foundation, produced the initial ATLS course which was held in 1978. In 1980, the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma adopted ATLS and began US and international dissemination of the course. Styner himself recently recertified as an ATLS instructor, teaching his Instructor Candidate course in the UK and then in the Netherlands.

Since its inception, ATLS has become the standard for trauma care in American emergency departments and advanced paramedical services. Since emergency physicians, paramedics and other advanced practitioners use ATLS as their model for trauma care it makes sense that programs for other providers caring for trauma would be designed to interface well with ATLS. The Society of Trauma Nurses has developed the Advanced Trauma Care for Nurses (ATCN) course for Registered Nurses. ATCN meets concurrently with ATLS and shares some of the lecture portions. This approach allows for medical and nursing care to be well coordinated with one another as both the medical and nursing care providers have been trained in essentially the same model of care. Similarly, the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians has developed the Prehospital Trauma Life Support (PHTLS) course for basic Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT)s. This course is based around ATLS and allows the PHTLS-trained EMTs to work alongside paramedics and to transition smoothly into the care provided by the ATLS and ATCN-trained providers in the hospital.

Primary Survey

The first and key part of the assessment of patients presenting with trauma is called the primary survey. During this time, life-threatening injuries are identified and simultaneously resuscitation is begun. A simple mnemonic, ABCDE, is used as a memory aid for the order in which problems should be addressed.

A Airway Maintenance with Cervical Spine Protection
B Breathing and Ventilation
C Circulation with Hemorrhage Control
D Disability (Neurologic Evaluation)
E Exposure and Environment

A - Airway Maintenance with Cervical Spine Protection

The first stage of the primary survey is to assess the airway. If the patient is able to talk, the airway is likely to be clear. If the patient is unconscious, he/she may not be able to maintain his/her own airway. The airway can be opened using a chin lift or jaw thrust. Airway adjuncts may be required. If the airway is blocked (e.g, by blood or vomit), the fluid must be cleaned out of the patient's mouth.

At the same time, the cervical spine must be maintained in the neutral position to prevent secondary injuries to the spinal cord. The neck should be immobilised using a semi-rigid cervical collar, blocks and tape.

B - Breathing and Ventilation

The chest must be examined by inspection, palpation, percussion and auscultation. Surgical emphysema and tracheal deviation must be identified if present. Life-threatening chest injuries, including tension pneumothorax, open pneumothorax, flail chest and massive haemothorax must be identified and rapidly treated. Flail chest, penetrating injuries and bruising can be recognised by inspection.

C - Circulation with Hemorrhage Control

Hemorrhage is the predominant cause of preventable post-injury deaths. Hypotension following injury must be assumed to be due to blood loss until proven otherwise. Hypovolemic shock is caused by significant blood loss. Two large-bore intravenous lines are established and crystalloid solution given. If the patient does not respond to this, type-specific blood, or O-negative if this is not available, should be given. External bleeding is controlled by direct pressure. Occult blood loss may be into the chest, abdomen, pelvis or from the long bones. Chest or pelvic bleeding may be identified on X-ray. Bleeding into the peritoneum may be diagnosed on ultrasound (FAST scan), CT (if stable) or diagnostic peritoneal lavage.

D - Disability (Neurologic Evaluation)

During the primary survey a basic neurological assessment is made, known by the mnenomic AVPU (alert, verbal stimuli response, painful stimuli response, or unresponsive). A more detailed and rapid neurological evaluation is performed at the end of the primary survey. This establishes the patient's level of consciousness, pupil size and reaction, lateralizing signs, and spinal cord injury level.

The Glasgow Coma Scale is a quick method to determine the level of consciousness, and is predictive of patient outcome. If not done in the primary survey, it should be performed as part of the more detailed neurologic examination in the secondary survey. An altered level of consciousness indicates the need for immediate reevaluation of the patient's oxygenation, ventilation, and perfusion status. Hypoglycemia and drugs, including alcohol, may influence the level of consciousness. If these are excluded, changes in the level of consciousness should be considered to be due to traumatic brain injury until proven otherwise.

E - Exposure / Environmental control

The patient should be completely undressed, usually by cutting off the garments. It is imperative to cover the patient with warm blankets to prevent hypothermia in the emergency department. Intravenous fluids should be warmed and a warm environment maintained. Patient privacy should be maintained by closing curtains.

Secondary Survey

When the primary survey is completed, resuscitation efforts are well established, and the vital signs are normalizing, the secondary survey can begin.

The secondary survey is a head-to-toe evaluation of the trauma patient, including a complete history and physical examination, including the reassessment of all vital signs. Each region of the body must be fully examined. X-rays indicated by examination are obtained.

If at any time during the secondary survey the patient deteriorates, another primary survey is carried out as a potential life threat may be present.

Alternatives to ATLS

Anaesthesia Trauma and Critical Care (ATACC) is an international trauma course based in the United Kingdom. It is an advanced trauma course and represents the next level for trauma care and trauma patient management post ATLS certification. Accredited by two Royal Colleges and numerous emergency services, the course runs numerous times per year for candidates drawn from all areas of medicine and trauma care. [8]

See also

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